Hall of Fame - 2017
June Beaumont
On December 20, 2017, at the DCAT Christmas party June Beaumont was inducted into the Hall of Fame. Gord Irvine made the presentation to June with the following speech:
For those who don't know me, my name is Gord Irvine. I am Treasurer Emeritus and GAS 2018 Consultant and Co-ordinator.
The inductee elected to the DCAT Hall of Fame tonight is certainly worthy of this honour.
As an original DCAT member in 1994, her drum corps history starts with Parkdale Lions as a french horn soloist, moving on to snare and bass drummer with the Leaside Lions Majorette corps. In the 60's she was a big fan of Canada's Marching Ambassadors. She was the first woman to play mellophone with the Toronto Signals Band, and still playing for the last 19 years. She also was a member of the Canadian GAS Ensemble along with other members of DCAT. The absolute highlight of her music career was performing as bass drummer for the DCAT percussion ensemble.
As an original DCAT member she was part of the hosting committee for GAS 1999 and 2008. Along with others, she worked as a designer and co-ordinator of DCAT uniforms past and present as well as graphic design for the chorus.
A lot of time was spent researching and purchasing costumes and props for shows like Les Mis, America and Sinatra. Her research for costumes for the 2018 show is well underway. She has also served as Publicity Director and on the publicity committee.
On a more personal note, she was a student at Western Tech school where she met a less than average snare drummer in the school trumpet band. She invited him to a Sadie Hawkins dance, leading to a 55 year marriage, 3 sons and 7 grandchildren. As her husband has said many times, she was one of those English girls who came across.
Please welcome a deserving June Beaumont into the DCAT Hall of Fame.